Pandoro: the recipe


I have announced it in the previous post, this year pandoro is a must. Nevertheless, I do not feel like giving up with my beloved panettone made with the excellent recipe of Adriano :)

On the other hand for the pandoro, I have used the recipe of the sisters Simili, which I read a few years ago on Cavoletto’s blog (although, I stil have the recipe for Adriano’s pandoro in my bucket list…). How did it turn out? Wonderful :) Despite they told me that pandoro is more complex to make than Panettone, I have to admit that the only challenge is in the final folding. Even as timing, we speak about 2 days of work, compared to the 3 required by the panettone.

Want to try it? Here the recipe, with my revisions:

Pandoro (recipe of sisters Simili, via Cavoletto)

Doses for 1 pandoro

  • 450 g of very strong flour (15% in protein content)

  • 4 eggs

  • 135 g of sugar

  • 175 g of soft butter

  • 9 g of dehydrated yeast

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

  • water as needed

Preparation of the sourdough:

  • 60 g of lukewarm water

  • 50 g of flour

  • 7 g of yeast

  • 10 g of sugar

Re-hydrate the yeast into the lukewarm water. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, cover it with film paper and let it rise for 1 h at 37 C (I used my oven as rising chamber).

Preparation of the first dough:

Dissolve 2 g of yeast in 2 table spoons of lukewarm water. Put the sourdough in a standing mixer and add to that the dissolved yeast, 200 g of flour, 1 egg yolk+1 egg, 25 g of sugar and 30 g of butter. Knead with the kneading hook at low speed (1), until the dough doesn’t torque. Please, note that the pandoro’s dough is leaps hydrated than that of panettone. This make the kneading a bit harder. Stop the standing mixer, remove the hook, cover the bowl with some film paper and let rise the dough for 1 h at 37 C.

Preparation of the second dough:

First dough+2 eggs, 100 g of sugar, 200 g of flour, 1 tea spoon of vanilla extract and 1 tea spoon of salt. Again, place everything in the standing mixer and knead with the hook, till the dough will torque. Let the dough rise at 37 C for 1 h and 30 min and then transfer it in fridge for other 45 min.


Remove the dough from the fridge and spread it with the rolling pin to obtain a square of 1 cm thickness. Place the butter in the center and fold each side of the square toward the center, in order to obtain an envelop. Seal the edges and spread the dough with the rolling pin, dusting with flour from time to time. Eventually, you should obtained a rectangular shape, with the height 3 times the base. Close the rectangle, by folding the base toward the center and, then , the other base over the first one. Turn the rectangle, so the the open side is on your right. Wrap the dough into film paper and let it rest in the fridge for 30 min. Take the dough back from the fridge and repeat the folding cycle other two times. Spread some melted butter on the dough and fold the corners downwards, in order to make a ball. Place it into a aluminum pandoro mold formerly buttered and…

You have two options:

a) let the dough rise at 20 C overnight (the dough must reach the edge of the mold)

b) let the dough rest in the fridge overnight. The next morning take it from the fridge and let it rise at 20 C, till late afternoon


It really depends on your oven. In my case, I baked the pandoro for 10 min at 160 C to then rise the temperature at 170 C for 25 min. I covered the surface with some aluminum foil to prevent the top becoming too crunchy.

Et voila’! :) So, what do you think? Will you try it?