Scientific hoaxes: why citing the references is not enough

Internet, social, TV, the rating of information per minute is elevate and, sometimes, is hard to to discern what is true from what is not. Do not get me wrong. The web is a powerful mean of communication, but understanding what is a valuable information is not an easy task, due to the ocean of options that we have to fish from, once we enter a key word into the browser.

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What's Maillard reaction and why everybody talks about it

If you are foodies and followers of food blogs (and if you are reading this blog, probably you are :)), you might have heard about Maillard reaction. Let’s admit it, Maillard reaction is as trendy as the last color of the season and should be in the vocabulary of each foodie ;) And given that I am part of the club scientist-that-enjoy-cooking, I didn’t want to fall behind. You see, if you do not have a post dedicated to Maillard reaction, you are missing the basic concepts ;)

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Carbonnade a la Flamande canadian way: the recipe

While preparing carbonnades, I started to recall about Bruxelles, its boulevards, the smell of the boulangeries, the beautiful parks and my strolls in the Petit Sablon. And, how to forget about the shrimps, or crevette, of the North Sea, and the chocolate shops…And all those nostalgic cafes where to sit and sip a mint tea or a good bier, on those lazy Sunday afternoons, while listening to the clickety-clack of the raindrops that flowed slowly and, as the hours, passed, in the attendance of the Monday morning…

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