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Happy Ferragosto! :)

Ferragosto is a traditional Italian holiday that happens on August 15th. It is a Catholic festivity that celebrates Saint Mary, but it became also an occasion to plan trips and meet with friends. I haven't celebrated Ferragosto since 2005, when I move abroad.

I didn't miss it for a while. Ferragosto was a crazy busy day. Shores crowded of people, traffic jams on the way to your destination and endless lunches. Ferragosto was so stressful that when asked "What are you going to do for Ferragosto?", I hoped to be able to reply "Nothing".

Not to mention that Ferragosto marked the approach of September, and of schools and fall, along with that. I knew that after Ferragosto, the season of dreams (summer) was going to end and, as such, I felt pervaded by a deep melancholia.

But, you know what? It is funny how, after years abroad, your perspectives change. And now that I missed the ocean, the crowded shores and the super hot Italian summer, I would pay to be in the traffic jam on the way to the beach...call me crazy!

So, to all of you, Happy Ferragosto! :)